Dr Wolfgang Mann
Reader in Special and Inclusive Education, University of Roehampton, UK

Wolfgang Mann is a Reader in Special and Inclusive Education at the University of Roehampton, UK where he also leads the Centre of International Research on Special and Inclusive Education (CIRSIE). Wolfgang received his PhD in Special Education from the University of California, Berkeley. His key interests include the wider impacts of experiencing a language problem, specifically language development and language difficulties in deaf children, bilingualism, (sign-) language acquisition & assessment, and computer-and mobile-assisted language testing. Wolfgang has published articles and book chapters in these areas. A forthcoming book published by Oxford University Press on which he is a co-editor looks at language assessment across modalities. Wolfgang is an associate at the Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre (DCAL) at University College London (UCL). At Roehampton, he teaches students at different levels on topics including research methodology, use of quantitative methods, and (atypical) language development.